Thursday 2 September 2021

60% of people in Kolkata ignore early signs of poor nerve heath: P&G Nerve Health Survey [1]

The national survey also revealed that while over 90% of respondents believe that healthy nerves are important, only 38% know that nerves are different from blood vessels.

September commemorates the National Nutrition Month, a reminder for a greater focus on diet and nutrition, and the role it plays to help improve our overall health and wellbeing. While malnutrition can lead to many ailments, the deficiency of B vitamins may lead to nerve damage [2].

Results of the ‘P&G Nerve Health Survey’ conducted among 1800 respondents across 12 cities, showed that over 60% of the respondents, ignore early signs of poor nerve health. Kolkata findings were in line with national survey results with 60% Kolkata respondents ignoring early signs of poor nerve health. Conducted by HEAL Health and Hansa Research, and supported by Procter & Gamble Health Limited, the national survey also highlights that while over 90% of the respondents believe that healthy nerves are important, only 38% know that nerves are different from blood vessels.

“Of course, good nutrition is the cornerstone of good health. However, good nutrition is a combination of so many components including Vitamin B. And for the good nerve health, Vitamin B12 from the group of Vitamin B plays a pivotal role. But there is a lack of information about the usefulness of Vitamin B12 and how its improper intake in the diet could create lots of health problems. The deficiency of Vitamin B12 can increase the risk of mental disorders and nerve problems. Therefore, people need to understand that they must include Vitamin B12 in their dietary regimen. Supplements of Vitamin B12 may also compensate for the misses in one’s diet chart. By any source, Vitamin B12 ought to be taken to stay away from nerve health problems,” says Dr Arabinda Mukherjee, Former President of Indian Academy of Neurology.

The P&G Nerve Health Survey was conducted towards gauging the awareness levels and perceptions about nerve health and to understand if people can identify nerve related discomforts. Results revealed limited knowledge amongst the masses about nerve health. While people had experienced symptoms related to nerve damage only 50% related it to nerve health [1].

A large population of the country today suffers from Vitamin B deficiencies without knowing the causes and the risks associated with this condition including nerve damage.  The P&G Nerve Health Survey, in association with Heal Health & Hansa Research, is an effort to increase awareness about nerve health, empower people to recognize the early symptoms and how it can be managed with a balanced diet and supplementation”, said Milind Thatte, Managing Director - Procter & Gamble Health Limited.

B12 deficiency is extremely common in India - amongst other deficiencies - owing to malnutrition being extremely common. The reasons for these are many and largely related to diet and lifestyle [2].

“Vitamin B12 deficiency may be one of the main reasons leading to nerve problems. Good nutrition is often the first line of defence to avoid many diseases, including nerve health. The food you eat can improve your nervous system’s functioning. Knowing which nutrients nourish your nervous system can help you lead a healthier life and reduce your chances of nerve-related problems. Due to lack of awareness, people usually don’t select the right kind of diet. The nerve damage caused by a lack of Vitamin B12 may become permanently debilitating,” added Dr Mangesh Tiwaskar, Honorary General Secretary, Association of Physicians of India (API).

The national survey results also revealed that 73% of respondents relied upon vegetables and 69% of respondents relied upon fruits for vitamin B12, which are not a source[1].

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