Wednesday 23 June 2021

Observational Pedagogy an initiate of J.D. Birla Institute during the Pandemic Times

This pandemic has compelled educators to come-up with novel ways to utilize the virtual space to its maximum potential. J.D. Birla Institute has adopted an innovative approach to provide hands-on training through observational learning to its post-graduate students undertaking a one-year diploma course in Dietetics & Applied Nutrition under Jadavpur University. With fast evolving changes in lifestyles, the newly introduced curriculum on Dietetics has immense scope as an emerging career option. The Institute has initiated online diet counselling sessions by qualified teacher-diet counsellor for all keen patrons. Anyone wishing to know more about their health and food habit can seek an appointment with the counsellor. Each session is treated as a case study and while detailed diet plans and tweaks in lifestyle are prescribed to clients, at the same time students are trained in the field of counselling. Timely and regular follow-ups with clients also allows better adherence to the prescribed diet and lifestyle changes, and the case to be well understood.

Students participate in the live counselling sessions, which enable them to observe and learn new methods of effective and efficient diet counselling in real-time. Listening to the interaction between the counsellor with the client, students gain insights into the subject or aliment discussed. In some special sessions, experienced and renowned diet councellors are also invited to share their views. After the sessions are over, students have an open interactive session with the counsellor and get opportunity to satisfy their queries.

Feedback from the clients:

Ms Aayushi Ringsia: “I had opted for counselling on weight reduction and unmanageable hair-fall. The session at JDBI was very helpful. I have started making small changes in my daily routine and now I feel great”.

Ms Priti Sharma: “The diet counselling session was very thorough and a diet plan was prescribed along with measures that are easy to follow”.

Feedback from the student-particpant:

Ms. Lipika Kochar: “The Counseling sessions have been helpful and dealing with people is a new experience for me. Learning to communicate effectively and being able to elicit information from clients is a skill which will benefit me when I enter the professional world.”

Ms. Iqra Humayun: “The sessions have provided me with a novel learning experience and have enhanced my knowledge on the subject. I am grateful to my college for giving us such an opportunity for practical learning even during such trying times. Looking forward to more such counselling sessions and detailed discussion on interesting cases post the session.

Ms. Mamata Brahma: “I feel privileged to be part of the counselling sessions and am getting to learn various methods of dietary counselling through live case studies. The sessions have enabled me to grasp the skills of actual diet counselling, clearly understand the methods to deal with clients with medical complications and prepare customized diet plans swiftly. I would like to thank College for providing us with this opportunity.” 

Since its announcement recently, the Diet Clinic is always abuzz with new client registering and many of them are students of the same institute. Through this approach, J.D. Birla Institute has not only utilized online platforms to better equip their students with practical knowledge and experience, but has also extended nutritional counselling support to people seeking a fit and healthy life.

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