Thursday 30 September 2021

Facebook outlines opportunities for creators in West Bengal

Launch of the company’s biggest creator education program for Instagram creators

Today, Instagram and Facebook organized their largest event for creators to date, called - ‘Creator Day India’. At the event, the company shared some of the top trends on the platforms, as well as launched its largest creator education and enablement program in India -

Creator Day India saw attendance from creators such as Pawan Kumar (@artkala) and Priyam Ghose, and the programming was aimed at helping  creators build their careers and personal brand, support their wellbeing, and be inspired from creators who’ve monetized well. Some of the top trends shared included:

        The continued dominance of food as a category on Facebook, which continues to see pages from all over India doing well.

        The rise of short-form video format Reels on Instagram, which is democratizing creativity across India.

        The scaling creator monetization on Facebook, with the help of in-stream ads.

The largest creator education program from Facebook India

The company also announced its largest creator education and enablement program in India - to make access to creator resources more scalable and democratized. Paras Sharma, Director of Media Partnerships, Facebook India, said, “Creators from West Bengal are creating trends that are going mainstream and are shaping popular culture. We are humbled to see the role our platforms are playing in unleashing their creativity and helping them earn a living. Driven with our commitment to build and grow the creator ecosystem in India, with our new program, we’re now not only addressing the learning gap in the market in terms of education content but also making it accessible to everyone. The program is intended to help them learn, earn and grow their communities on Instagram. We hope creators leverage this opportunity.”

The ‘Born on Instagram’ program was first launched in 2019, but will now have a sizable impact as the program structure transitions to a self-paced e-learning course for creators to learn from. At the end of the course, they will receive a course completion letter as well. The program will also provide live masterclasses with experts, latest information on trends, product updates and challenges to keep up with what’s unfolding on Instagram. Lastly, it will provide creators the option to unlock monetary opportunities through various rewards and brand partnerships. To sign up now:

This new creator education program is a  testament of the company’s commitment to the creator ecosystem in India and builds over several iterations in the product that have happened through the year. For example, the launch of Remix on Reels, testing of products first in India including the ability for Instagram creators to have their Reels recommended on Facebook and for people to create Reels on Facebook and introduction of ‘collab’ where India was again one of the first countries to test it.

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