Wednesday 8 September 2021

ACKO goes local, forays into the Kolkata market with its latest campaign

Purely digital insurer ACKO General Insurance aims to grab the attention of Kolkata audiences with the launch of its newest marketing campaign highlighting its zero commission proposition. Following ACKO’s similar, previously successful campaign in the city of Chennai, this campaign emphasizes the low-priced premiums that consumers can expect while insuring their cars with ACKO, since it charges zero commission on the purchase of its policies.

Being a digital first insurance provider, ACKO’s policies are available directly to the consumer, on the ACKO website and mobile app at an affordable cost. ACKO’s exceptional product and service has won the trust of the 68+ million unique customers who have opted to get insured with them. ACKO has successfully issued over 1 Bn+ insurance policies till date.

Conceptualised and created by Leo Burnett Orchard, the ad films depict scenarios that Bengali viewers can relate to by incorporating signature local insights and flavours into its humour. It makes the most of Bengalis’ quirky nicknames and their tendency to constantly seek products that offer the best value for their money. These distinctive traits are combined into the singular persona of a Bengali shopper with a funny nickname.

The campaign has two films- The first one depicts a Bengali shopper who is known for his gift of negotiating the most favourable fish prices, and in the second film, the protagonist  is known for her unrivalled ability to bring down the cost of the best sarees. The audience observes these talented individuals through the eyes of their young relatives, who each casually remark that they rely on their family members to obtain great value for their money with skillful bargaining. Just as the protagonists get great value for money deals, for car insurance at low prices that delivers the best value for money, they know they can always count on ACKO. They recommend that the audience check out the ACKO app for themselves to believe it.

The film’s conclusion delivers the message that with ACKO, the cost is very less and there is zero commission. With this campaign ACKO establishes its position as a brand that offers  comprehensive car insurance which is true value for money and is defined by killer prices, stress free claims and an easy purchase experience.

Ashish Mishra, Executive Vice President - Marketing, ACKO General Insurance, said, “Kolkata, as one of the top ranking cities in India in terms of the number of internet users, is a focus market for ACKO. With our latest campaign, we intend to introduce the benefits of ACKO’s digital offerings to the net-savvy populace of the city, particularly highlighting the low premiums that ACKO charges for its car and bike insurance. Most people find it hard to believe ​​the low policy prices that ACKO offers, as consumers are not aware that buying directly from the company reduces insurance costs considerably. We hope to address this with the campaign and encourage more people in Kolkata to try ACKO for its superior experience and unrivalled prices. ” 

Pravin Sutar, Head of Creative, Leo Burnett Orchard, said, “ACKO has built a strong equity in the market on the back of its core feature of ‘zero commission’ car insurance. It translates to great savings in premium for ACKO car insurance buyers. In Kolkata, we realised that there are people who come really handy when it comes to bargaining and driving great deals. ACKO wanted to ride on that interesting cultural observation and seed in the conversation about saving money with ‘zero Commission’ insurance. What makes this film really interesting is that we have created this film in Bengali language as opposed to translating a national creative as we wanted to celebrate the Bengali culture and wanted to portray the nuances which will make that connection possible between the brand and the culture.”

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