Panelists includedBollywood actress, Soha Ali Khan, Ritika Samaddar, Regional Head – Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi, Sheela KrishnaswamyNutrition and Wellness Consultant, and Emily Fleischmann, VP – Global Marketing Development, Almond Board of California
Almond Board
of California today hosted a virtual panel discussion around the topic ‘Challenges in ensuring optimal family
health, amidst fast changing lifestyles in the post pandemic world’featuring
eminent personalities from India and the USA. Stressing on the need to
undertake serious dietary and lifestyle interventions, the panel featured
prominent Bollywood actor and Author,Soha
Ali Khan, Regional Head – Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi, Ritika Samaddar, Nutrition and
Wellness Consultant, Sheela Krishnaswamy
and Emily Fleischmann, VP –
Global MarketDevelopment, Almond Board of California.The panel was moderated by
RJ Shezzi.
As the world around us changes and rapidly evolves, and
uncertainty for the future rages – the need to ensure proper family health has
emerged as a key focus area for several Indians, as this is something which is
under every individual’s control. The notion that a nutritious and well-balanced
diet has the abilityto support good health has been discussedfor years. What to
eat –and not to eat – regularly grabs headlines, as consumers in general and
mothers in particular, try to balance scientific advice and trends with their
own culinary beliefs, familial traditions and recipes and local food
While several regions across the country continue to wade
through the aftermath of the pandemic’ssecond wave, many Indians now need to
restyle their lives to adjust to a post pandemic world. Addressing this, the
discussion highlighted the various facets of the road to recovery, and the
requirement to make every family member’s health a top concern. Duringthe discussion,
panelists shared examples and experiences from their personal lives urging
families across India to invest more in building the quality of their health
and lifestyles.
Emphasizing on the need to ensure better nutrition to boost every
family member’simmunityand lower the risks posed by lifestyle diseases which
are on the rise, the panel stressed on the necessity to prioritize nutrition
and include healthy foods like almonds to the diet. The panelists also spoke at
length about the requirement tolook at health from a more holistic perspective and
look at every function separately coming together to achieve a larger goal. To do
so, the panelists discussed that there is a strong need to pairconsuming a
wholesome diet with regular exercise and mindful snacking while also making a
serious effort to control stress. In the long run, each of these elements
combined will help in promoting better health for every family member.
Speaking during the discussion, popular Bollywood actress Soha Ali Khan said, “In today’s world, it isn’t easy to be a mom – there are so many things that concern and worry us – and many a times we also feel personally accountable. For me, as for any mother, making sure my family is healthy and safe is a constant stress. But if there is one thing I have learnt in the past year and a half, it is that – while a lot of things might not be under my control, my family’s well – being certainly is. As part of our family’s plan to ensure wellness, we eat a handful of almonds every day. Almonds make for a healthy and nutrient dense snack, which can be consumed raw or added to oats, smoothies, and shakes. Eating them regularly also helps strengthen my own and my family’s immunity as they are known to contain copper, zinc, iron and Vitamin E – each of which are nutrients whichcontribute to growth, development, maintenance and normal functioning of the immune system.”
Ritika Samaddar,
Regional Head – Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi said, “Recently, many households in India have been exposed to the Covid19
virus in some way or the other. As people recover, it’s vital now more than
ever, to focus on the family’s health. While immunity continues to be a focus,
it’s equally important to consider the growing burden of lifestyle diseases
like obesity, elevated blood sugars, high blood pressure or heart failure whichhave
been recognized post virus complications. Therefore, families need to make sure
they pay minute attention to their diet and include nutrient rich foods like
almonds, fruits and green leafy vegetables. Almonds in particular are a great
choice, as they are one of the easiest foods to eat every day. Family members could
soak and eat a handful in the morning, divide them in small portions and eat them
through the day, or make different recipes by spicing them with Indian
flavours. The other advantage ofeating almonds regularly is that they can help
in better managing a person’s blood sugar levels. Blood sugar is often highly
elevated for many who are recovering from Covid19. While it is not known
whether almonds help improve elevated blood sugar levels caused by Covid19, research
indicatesthat daily consumption of almonds may help maintain healthy blood
sugar levels and improve cardiovascular markers in people with type 2 diabetes[1].”
Nutrition and Wellness
Consultant, Sheela Krishnaswamy said, “When we look at the world around us now, a
lot has changed, and along with this many of us have too. Having gone through
this difficult time, it’s important to learn from the past, and enable the path
to a good recovery by replacing old habits with new and improved ones. For
this, my top suggestion to families is to do a thorough cleanse of the
household pantry, and replace unhealthy and calorie high foods with nutritious
options like almonds or fresh fruits. This change in snacking patterns, can aid
in better heart health amongst family members. In fact, according to a study,
participants who had been replacing typical snacks with almonds saw improved
measures of Heart Rate Variability during mental stress, which is a key
indicator of cardiac health and function[2].”
Emily Fleischman, VP -
Global Marketing Development, Almond Board of California said, “In a post pandemic world,
good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is key. For several years now, and even
during the pandemic, we have been committed to building better awareness
amongst families across the world, and in India in particular, around the
importance of eating nutritious and balanced meals, and regular exercise. ABC continues
to encourage this by investing in scientific research to understandthe merits
of including almonds in healthy dietary patterns. As we all continue to adapt
and amend our lives to fit into this ever-altering world, it’s important to
re-assess one’s own and the family’s diet and lifestyle and adopt changes that
can enable a better future.”
It is paramount for families across India to make these small yet important dietary and lifestyle interventions to their lives, as the long-term benefits of these changes are innumerable. An easy way to do this is by including a handful of almonds to the diet. Whether it’s bolstering heart health, helping support healthy blood sugar levelsand a person’s weight, or positively impacting skin health – daily almond consumption is sure to impact overallfamily health in many a positive way[3]. In fact, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle including a daily dose of almonds can also aid in building a strengthened immune system that can help in preventing other ailments in the future.
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