Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Estd. 1820
Winter Flower Show -2013 in your City
Chrisanthemum has stolen the lime light.

(Chrysanthemum originating from England, Australia, America,
Japan etc. have come up to the standards higher than that
 grown in the country of origin in many varieties)

This year (2013) also, Agri-Horticultural Society of India (AHSI) founded in 1820 follow their tradition of organizing Winter Flower Show from 4th January to 6th January 2013 in Alipore. Inauguration will be held at 3pm on the 4th of January by Shri Shyamal Kumar Sen, Former Governor of West Bengal, Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court and Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court.  There will be other exciting different competitions and presentations like Flower-in-pot, Cut Flowers, Floral Decoration for students, Feature Garden Competition etc. A collection of Nature photographs taken by an eminent photographer will be on display.    
On the 5th January, a sit and draw competition amongst school children is scheduled  at 10am.  There will be presence of some eminent persons, like, Mrs. Padmini Narayan (wife of Governor of WB), Ms. Sudha Kaul. Padmashree, Mr. B. Newar, Mr. Prakash Ch. Agarwal, Ms. Uma Sidhant shall there to grace the occasion.
On the 6th January, the prize distribution will be held at 4 pm. Lt.General A. K. Chowdhury AVSM, SM, VSM, and GOC-in-C– Bengal Area has kindly consented to be Chief Guest on the occasion. We have invited other dignitaries like Mr. Firhad Hakim, Hon’ble MIC – Municipal Affairs and Urban Development, Government of West Bengal, Mr. Ranjit Mallick, an eminent Cine Artist of West Bengal.

The winter flower show comprises of Chrysanthemums, Roses, Dahlias, Gladioli as well as Marigolds and perennial flowering plants enhancing the beauty.

The Society garden is one of the largest and oldest traditional gardens in Kolkata. It is an exclusive garden where a wide range of flowers would be showcased. A large number of students, including physically challenged participate in drawing, floral decoration and flower shown in pots.

The Agri Horticultural Society of India was founded in 1820 by Rev. Dr. William Carey, with the objective of developing and promoting agriculture & horticulture in India. Their first exhibition was held as early as in 1828 in Town Hall, which continues today as Annual Flower Show of the Society. The AHSI acted as the de facto Agricultural Ministry of the Central Govt. till 1900. In 1837, the first ever agricultural journal in the country was published.
The AHSI has a unique history of achievements- it has played a pioneering role in introduction of a number of cereals, cash crops, cinchona, fruits, vegetables, flowering plants and trees and ornamental plants etc.
In the past, various Governor General and Viceroys had been the chief patrons of the Society.  
It is a traditional and informal garden. Although it is of 193rd year old vintage, it is impeccably maintained. It is populated by varieties of rare plants.
The AHSI today captures the passionate love for plant life and takes Indian Horticulture to new realms.
The Agri–Horticultural Society of India, apart from holding regular Flower Shows of various kinds, also holds different competitions like-summer and winter Garden Competitions, House Plants Show, Mango Mahotsav, etc. It also propagates the rare plants, shrubs, trees and offers advisory services to plant lovers of the city, to build the bridge between nature lovers and nature.
This apart, the AHSI is known for its development and preservation of Medicinal and Herbal plants. It also works with a laboratory for Research and Development now engaged in Tissue Culture. In fact, the AHSI works with “ipecac”- a special kind of plant for multipurpose uses, includes treatment of dysentery.
AHSI is involved in education activities including holding international seminars, conducting a 1 year diploma course, conducting short courses on Mushroom Culture, Bonsai Culture, and Home Gardening etc. This Society holds one year “certificate in Horticulture” course at the society’s Carey Institute for Boys, affiliated to Calcutta University. Besides this, it also coordinates exhibitions and conferences on Agri-Horticultural Products.
AHSI is actively engaged in designing, developing and implementing various landscape gardens / projects including their maintenance in and around Kolkata. Besides this, AHSI also offers consultancy and advisory services.

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