Thursday, 10 May 2012

Press Meet of The Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India (ICAI)

A Press Meet has been organized by Eastern India Regional Council of ICAI on Wednesday, 9th May 2012 at Hotel Hindustan International, Kolkata.

CA.Jaydeep N. Shah, President, ICAI and CA.Subodh Kumar Agrawal, Vice-President, ICAI, CA. Prasun Kr. Bhattacharyya, Chairman, Eastern India Regional Council along with other Regional Council Members and Central Council Members from Eastern Region were present for the media interaction.

An update on the recent initiatives taken by the Institute for members, students and in various other areas is mentioned below:

1)The Working Group set up by RBI had made recommendations and it was proposed to carry  out  changes  in  allotment  of  bank  branch  audits of  the  public  sector  banks  by  raising  the  minimum threshold  (advances)  limit  of  branches  which  will  not be subject to audit by statutory auditors. It was mainly proposed that all branches having outstanding advances of Rs20 crore and above as on March 31, 2012, need to be audited for the year 2011-12. And of the remaining(branches  having  outstanding  less  than  Rs20 crore),one  fifth  branches  were  proposed  to  be  selected  at random in such a way that all the remaining branches are  audited  at  least  once  in  five  years.


2)ICAI had approached the capital market regulator SEBI and proposed that ICAI can act as an extended arm of the SEBI in monitoring the Market Intermediaries like Brokers, Merchant bankers, depositories, clearing corporations, Mutual Funds, etc. ICAI also offered help and involvement in the forensic cell of SEBI to establish and verify disclosures made by companies in their IPO offer documents and also to take up cases related to accounts related financial malfeasance.

3)ICAI, with a view to converge with IFRSs, had formulated the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind ASs), which were approved by the NACAS and, thereafter, by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). ICAI will also be revising/issuing new Ind ASs which will be issued by the IASB so that whenever the Government decides to converge with IFRS, the Ind ASs corresponding to the IFRS effective on that date are available.


IASB has undertaken project of revising its Standard on leases. The aim of the project is to develop a new single approach to lease accounting that would ensure that all assets and liabilities arising under lease contracts are recognised in the statement of financial position (balance sheet) of the lessee. The IASB had issued an Exposure Draft of the proposed IFRS in 2010.The ICAI is organising an outreach meeting with IASB to provide inputs from India on the proposed IFRS on Leases on May 09, 2012 at Mumbai. The meeting will be attended by various industry representatives, professionals, other stakeholders and experts on the subject.


Initiatives towards Nation building:

      Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU)

      Netaji Subhash Open University (NSOU)

      Bharathiar University (BU)

      University of Madras (UNOM)

      The biggest issue before the institute is ‘globalisation of Indian accountants’. India is growing at a rapid pace. As a part of International initiatives, ICAI would like to have strategic collaborations with more international accounting bodies so that it can provide a global outlook to CA members.ICAI is a founder member of various International professional bodies and is playing a prominent role through its nominees who have worked and are working on the Governing Council as well as various Committees of those bodies.

      MoUs/MRAs with various Accounting Bodies: The Institute has signed MoUs/MRAs with various Accounting Bodies namely:

      The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

      The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia

      CPA Australia

      CPA Ireland

      Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

      Association of International Accountants (AIA), UK

      This step entails coming together of the two Accounting bodies working in tandem with each other to provide synergy. These agreements facilitate mobility of members across the borders and further strengthen the ties between India and its counterpart in other country. The Institute is also working on a similar agreement with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants.

·         Benefits to Overseas citizens of India: A group had been constituted by the Institute to consider appropriate steps for identifying a qualification bridging mechanism in line with the arrangements in place for MOU, MRAs with various International accounting bodies and feasibility of considering provision to be prescribed for licensing of Overseas Citizens of India and to work out the modalities therein. The proposed scheme, if approved ,will give an opportunity for Overseas Citizen of India (OCIs) Chartered accountant professionals to practice the accountancy profession in India subject to the conditions as laid down in the said scheme of bridging qualification mechanism.